I have 27 projects on Github
Toast++: Forward and inverse modelling in optical tomography
TensorFlow ROCm port
ROCm Thrust - run Thrust dependent software on AMD GPUs
Next generation SPARSE implementation for ROCm platform
Modified version of Alphafold to divide CPU part (MSA and template searching) and GPU part. This can accelerate Alphafold when predicting multiple structures
Signal-level algorithms for MinION data
中文语音识别,高识别率预训练模型,支持docker快速安装 Chinese Speech Recognition; Mandarin Automatic Speech Recognition;
BAT程序员自己的简历模板分享出来了 。技术简历追求简单明了,避免没有必要的花哨修饰,大家可以fork到自己仓库中,基于这个模板进行修改。
learning cmake
How to create custom COCO data set for instance segmentation
Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more
Microway's improved version of GPU Burn
a simple customer management system using MVC model with development ducumentation :bowtie:
Useful CMake Examples
BWA-MEM program accelerated with the GASAL2 library
Jekyll Themes / GitHub Pages 博客模板 / A template repository for Jekyll based blog
STREAM, for lots of devices written in many programming models
A curated list of awesome CMake resources, scripts, modules, examples and others.
AI Roadmap:机器学习(Machine Learning)、深度学习(Deep Learning)、对抗神经网络(GAN),图神经网络(GNN),NLP,大数据相关的发展路书(roadmap), 并附海量源码(python,pytorch)带大家消化基本知识点,突破面试,完成从新手到合格工程师的跨越,其中深度学习相关论文附有tensorflow caffe官方源码,应用部分含推荐算法和知识图谱
100 Days of ML Coding